Computer Society Logo
I had to design a new logo for the University of Limerick Computer Society.
The old logo of the Society was a Shark called Sharky:
The Students Union like us to try and incorporate their logo into any new Clubs & Societies logos. We are known as the Wolves!
I decided to draw the new logo in Illustrator because the logo needed to be a vector graphic so that it could be resized easily.
The easiest way I could think of the integrate Computers and the Wolves logo was to design a PCB with the logo over layed on it.
This was my first attempt:
In this design the lines are too thin, so the design won’t scale well.
This one scales very well but I wanted to add text to it.
I found the font that they used in the wolves logo and used it to add COMPSOC to the logo. This is the final version.
This design is good as it is clean, only uses 3 colours and can be easily changed to a single colour design.
Here’s some examples of where the logo has been used:
Some people were interested in how I designed the logo so I decided to document how I did it,
If you have any questions let me know,