Replace the Eir F2000 Router
I recently got Eir’s Fibre To The House (FTTH), I get speeds of 300Mbps down and 50Mbps up which is a big improvement over the 2Mbps down and 0.5Mbps up I previously had. It is a great service and I am very happy with it!
BUT the Eir F2000 (Just a rebranded Huawei HG659b) which is supplied with the installation is a terrible piece of equipment! It constantly drops connection and has to be restarted due to unknown software issues a lot. I eventually gave up on it completely after 2 or 3 months (and a replacement unit) and sought to replace it with anything else.
I have my own networking setup in the house and I was just using the F2000 as a bridge to connect to the Eir network (You can see a post about my full home networking setup here: https://conor.engineer/2018/02/17/home-network/).
My router is a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X which is an excellent gigabit router for about €50 (Note it’s just a router no Wifi/Modem/etc). I love Ubiquiti gear, it’s very reliable and well supported (all the networking gear except for switches in my house is from Ubiquiti). Their stuff is a bit more difficult to setup than standard consumer equipment but it is far better equipment overall.
This router is able to directly connect to the ONT (Optical Network Terminal) box that is supplied when FTTH is installed through the eth0 (WAN) port.
The F2000 can be replaced with any router that supports VLAN tags and getting its IP over DHCP but I will show you how to do it using the EdgeRouter X. Eir say that in order to connect to their network your equipment requires VDSL2+ but from my research this appears to be untrue however I have only done this with the ER-X and this is the only router that I can guarantee this works with.
To recap if you get a router you need to be able to:
- Set the router’s WAN port to connect using DHCP.
- Set the WAN port’s VLAN tag to 10.
Here are the instructions for the ER-X
In the ER-X admin panel click “Add Interface” then “Add VLAN”.
Then enter the following settings:
- VLAN ID: 10 (This is very important if this value is not 10 it will not work)
- Interface: eth0 (This is the routers WAN port)
- Description: Eir FTTH (Any name is fine)
- MTU: 1500 (1500 is recommended for the Eir Network)
- Address: Use DHCP (Eir will assign your public IP address using DHCP)
Then save the interface (If you had any other WAN interfaces e.g. PPPOE click “Actions” beside it and then “Disable”).
Connect the ER-X to the ONT and that should be it, the ER-X may need to be restarted.
When I did this first the ER-X mistakenly recognised the ONT as a 100Mbps device instead of a 1Gbps device which limited my speed to 100Mbps but after a few restarts it recognised the ONT correctly and it has recognised it correctly ever since.
Since I removed the F2000 I have not had any downtime due to the Eir Network.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask,
NOTE: I am more than happy to answer questions on this topic, however my responses may be slow, I get lots of emails about this topic every week. If you have a question about this topic please comment here instead of emailing me so that I can help as many people as possible at once. I have received a lot of requests asking if I could install a similar system for them in their home, I unfortunately do not have time to fulfill these requests.
Thanks to Finbarr Brady for the original post that inspired this one: h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶//f̶i̶n̶b̶a̶r̶r̶.d̶e̶v̶/2̶0̶1̶7̶-̶0̶7̶-̶1̶3̶-̶r̶e̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶-̶e̶i̶r̶-̶f̶2̶0̶0̶0̶/ (This link is now broken and has not been put back online but is available on the Internet Archive here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220910084907/https://finbarr.dev/2017-07-13-replace-eir-f2000/)
He has a guide about how to replace the F2000 with an OpenWRT router, without his guide I wouldn’t have known the correct VLAN ID.
58 thoughts on “Replace the Eir F2000 Router”
Hello Conor
Good Post. Just wondering if you know if the F2000 can be replaced by the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite where there is no ONT unit. There is Fiber to cabinets but then copper to the node and to the premises. The setup currently has a EdgeRouter Lite but it takes it’s connection from the F2000 and the F2000 keeps needing to be rebooted.
Hi Paul,
Thanks I’m glad you liked it.
The EdgeRouter Lite and ER-X (that I used) are very similar so it should be possible. The setup should be the same for you I would think since your fiber just goes as far as your cabinet not the premises but the settings should be the same or very similar. You could always take out the F2000 and try it without it and it doesn’t work you can always put it back just make sure to take a backup of the configuration on the ER Lite that you can restore in case something goes wrong.
I hope this helps and sorry for the late reply,
Hello Conor
Can you help configure the Edge Router for Eir Static IP?
They have given me the Eir Static IP: 83.xx.xxx.xx/32.
Default Gateway for eir modems:
Subnet Mask for eir modems:
but not sure how these should be entered in the wizard setup. It keeps failing for me.
Hi Conor
Thanks for your instructions… I have been praying for such help ever since I got the F2000….hate that thing….. I bought the router you recommended and followed your instructions to the letter but no joy….the router is not connecting to the eir service…..eir won’t help as it’s a third party router and directed me to the computer services website that gives different settings including adding eircom@eircom as username and broadband1 as password in the router settings…..so did you have to do anything like that or have the settings changed since your post…. would really appreciate any advice or a step by step guide on setting up the ubiquity x ….on first login it starts at the basic wizard… should I run that first? Sorry for the dumb questions!
Hi Ian,
Sorry about the delayed reply. You need to run the basic wizard and setup the router first before you follow this guide (I forgot to specify that). For Eir Fibre you shouldnt need the login details it should know based on the VLAN tag that is set in the guide.
Let me know how you get on,
Hi Conor, were you using the VOIP on the F2000 . If yes did you get it working on the new router
Hi Kevin,
I dont use VoIP as part of my network and I dont really know alot about it but there are VoIP settings on the ERX.
Hi Conor,
I’m trying to follow your instructions to replace my F2000 with TP Link VR 900 (VDSL/ADSL wireless gigabit). However, I’m not sure where to update the settings on the TP Link router page. Would you be able to help me?
Thank you.
Hi Sandra,
I am not familiar with that router but after a cursory look at the manual in section 4.2 you can setup internet based on adsl with a vlan tag, I doubt Eir will be in the list but if you go through the list and look for one that has a VLAN ID instead of VPI/VCI and try that it might work.
Hi Conor
I replaced the Eir router with Netgears Orbi mesh router and it works great. I’ve recently had trouble with my “copper” landline and wouldn’t mind giving Eirs voip service a run but not sure if my new router will support their Voip. They say no but my instinct is yes and was wondering if you’ve come across this.
Hi Paul,
I dont use VoIP as part of my network and I dont really know a lot about it but there are VoIP settings on the ERX.
Hi Conor, I’m seriously thinking of following suit with replacing the Eir Router but one question. I have a Gig connection to the home.. Eir came out and tested and it’s was showing 940 down and hitting 92 of the 100 upload limit.
Unfortunately at the Eir Router with a wired connection to test from the fastest I’m seeing is 170 down and 92 up (replaced cables etc and running new CAT5E and with a gigabit NIC in apple MacBook Pro and also tested on Gigabit Windows device. That’s my first challenge..the core question… any guidance on what should be expected at the router if the wall unit is giving great speed? Oh, I did replace the Eir router too and no change.
Hi Matthew, even with the F2000 I was getting the full speed that I was supposed to be getting my problem was that the connection kept randomly dropping completely and would not be restored until the unit was power cycled. I’m not sure what your issue could be. Eir’s speed limit steps are 100, 300 and 1000 so I would have said Eir configured it wrong but 200 is not one of their limits so I’m not sure. My connection is limited to 300/50 and I get 287/49 normally, however I do get 171/49 using the WiFi connection from my Unifi APs.
I recently moved here from USA.
Yesterday I got FTTH from Eir installed, with that F2000 unit.
They put in a new wall-box with 1 phone and 1 ethernet port.
Landline phone is connected to that wall/phone-port.
However, the internet is connected via a 2-wire telephone cable from wall/ethernet port into F2000/DSL-port.
I assume this setup uses the F2000 built-in modem.
I have an ASUS RT-AC68U that I would like to use instead, but that has no modem.
What would be a decent VDSL or VDSL2 modem to ‘bridge’ that gap?
Would that modem then connect via one ethernet cable to that wall/ethernet port, and connect via another ethernet cable into my router/WAN-internet port?
Hi Dominic it sounds like you are on an ADSL connection which is done over the phone lines this guide only covers fibre connections. FTTH is Fibre To The Home if your router/modem is connected to the phone line you probably have FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) or FTTE (Fibre To The Exchange) the max speed you will get with either of these is probably around 25MBps.
Got FTTH installed the other day, but only with the F2000 unit.
No separate modem was installed.
I have an ASUS RT-AC68U that I would like to use instead of F2000.
Which one is a reasonably priced, good modem to get?
Currently the F2000 is (weirdly?) connected with a 2-wire telephone cable between wall-box ethernet port and F2000-DSL port.
Will a new modem go via ethernet-cables between wall-box/modem and modem/router-WAN-port?
Hi Dominic you are on an ADSL connection which is done over the phone lines this guide only covers fibre connections. FTTH is Fibre To The Home if your router/modem is connected to the phone line you probably have FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) or FTTE (Fibre To The Exchange) the max speed you will get with either of these is probably around 25MBps.
Another dissatisfied F2000 owner, complaining already after only 1 month of (intermittent) use.
So I switched the F2000 into bridge mode and then hooked it up to my own router, which is a (cheap T-Mobile) TM-AC1900 router, that I had converted into an (expensive ASUS) RT-AC68U router, following this: https://www.bayareatechpros.com/ac1900-to-ac68u/
As this worked perfectly, I just ordered a Huawei HG8311 ONT modem on eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/331847730570
This combo will soon replace that dreadful F2000 Eir-junk.
Nice one, Conor. I’ll be using this information when I get my 1gig FTTH line next week, as soon as the installer leaves the house! 🙂
No problem Dave!
The standard box gave me trouble for ages before I got rid of it.
How did you get on with it?
Hello Conor
Could you post a pic of your Basic Wizard Setup for Eir FTTH on the ER-X? I have a ER-Poe and I presume the settings would be similar.
Hi Paul,
I think I used the WAN+2LAN setup initially but that was a long time ago so I have no idea what the settings were TBH.
The ER-POE and ER-X have mostly the same software as far as I can remember.
Hello Conor
When you login to the ER CLI and run “show ubnt offload” what is the output?
Hi Paul,
I’m not sure what you need this for but here you go:
HWNAT offload module: not loaded
Traffic Analysis :
export : enabled
dpi : enabled
Is that of any use?
Hi Conor,
Great write up, I have had the same issues with my Vodafone Gigabox for the last few months and I finally took the plunge and purchased the Unify products. I have the Unify Pro Gateway a couple of Switches and WiFi access points.
I assume that your settings should work exactly the same on my Router as yours?
I am going to give it a go following your instructions this weekend.
Thanks Richard,
How did you get on with this?
I would guess that Vodafone’s VLAN tag ID might be different but the principle should be the same I’d say.
Hi Conor,
First of all Happy Christmas and New Year.
I had been using imagine for the last couple of years with unfortunately a poor service and speeds at best, at the times I needed it most I.e., in the evenings. I had to have a pipe laid down last week for eir fiber (live in a rural area), they could not use the old pipe.
In the house I had been using Netgear Orbi, RBR50 with two sats and this was working fine as far as Wifi was concerned. Since the fiber broad band installation, I have noticed that the Orbi connects but in its app states “offline”. I can however connect to the wifi, using most of my devices but the playstation and amazon fire TV will not link into the Orbi network (previously worked when using imagine). They seem to get the IP address but fails to connect to Internet. Secondly, on my iPhone some sites would not connect and return a message :file not found, 404. I used to have apple AirPort Extreme device which I connected to the eircom modem router through CAT5 and an Ethernet socket at the back of the modem and it resolved the above problems but then I had two WiFi networks in that room and the speed was far lower then the mesh network. I presume the issue may be in the Eir modem router. Could You help.
Hi Amjad,
Are you using the Netgear stuff directly with the Eir network (plugged into the ONT) or are you using the Eir router in between them?
If you are using the Netgear router with the Eir router you need to make sure that the Eir router is setup as a bridge (bridged connection) and have the Netgear router act as your homes router or else you will get very weird behavior from your network which is what sounds like what you are getting. You cannot connect a router to another router without doing some configuration.
If you want to remove the Eir router you will need to setup the VLAN tagging that is described in the above post but it will be different for your setup.
I hope this helps and if you have any other questions let me know,
Thanks Conor,
Happy new year. I am using the netgear Orbi connected to the eir router which is then connected to the ont. I will try to it to bridge mode and hopefully can follow your instructions. I have telephone included in the eir bundle, would changing it to bridge mode have a negative effect on the telephone line?
Thanks again for your help.
Hi Conor, how do you set the f2000 up in bridged mode? I’m using a tp link mesh system plugged into the f2000? Thanks
Hi,can U help me with configuration Tpink Archer Xr500v.
Cannot get Gpon Terminal working on Eir connection.
heya we recently got eir to upgrade the line from FTTC to the FTTH. they gave us a new router. a sagemcom one and the wifi on it is muck. the f200 was better. is it possibe to use the two them somehow
Hi Scott, I’m not familiar with the router in question but it is possible to use most routers just as an access point which would allow you to connect the two routers together and use Wi-Fi from one and the other to connect to the Eir network. You’d have to read the manual for both routers to figure this out.
Hi Conor,
Great write up, any chance you know if this will work with sky fibre as they piggy back off eirs line for my house? I have a full unifi network setup around my house and don’t want it bottle necked by the Sky Q box.
Hi Trevor, I’m not sure but this article has info on a setup similar to this for Sky broadband: https://finbarr.dev/2017-07-13-replace-eir-f2000/
Hi Conner,
I know this an old post but I am wondering if you maybe able to point me in the right direction. I have FTTH(Siro) installed I first got it with Vodafone I used their default hub as it could be set to bridge mode and I could use my Google Nest Wi-Fi with it no issues. I have since changed provider to Sky and found their hub is terrible, not only can it not do bridge mode it constantly drops the Wi-Fi signal from anywhere between 5 to 15 mins.
I wish to use my own router what I am having an issue with is I cannot find the settings to connect to the internet Sky will not hand this out this information. I know the following works for digiweb;
Connection type = PPPoE
Username = digiweb@siro.digiweb.ie
password = digiweb
VLAN ID = 10
Do you know or heard of anyone successfully replacing the Sky hub and how they done it, as I am struggling to find anything online, and as I have mentioned Sky have not been helpful at all.
Any help at all would be great.
Hi Denis, I’m not sure on the settings for Sky, but this article has info on a setup similar to this for Sky broadband: https://finbarr.dev/2017-07-13-replace-eir-f2000/
Hi Conor.
Thanks for the write up and link back to my original post. I’ve moved my domain over so the original post is now located at https://finbarr.dev/2017-07-13-replace-eir-f2000/ which I just updated with Vodafone settings and soon will add Sky also.
Thanks for fielding all the questions as you can see it is a popular topic!
Thanks Finbarr, your original article was the only reason I figured this out in the first place 🙂 I will update the link.
finbarr’s blog has moved again, so that link does not work either.
Hi Harshal,
Thanks for letting me know Finbarr has removed it from his website and I can’t find another copy hosted by him.
It is however available from the Internet Archive here though: web.archive.org/web/20220910084907/https://finbarr.dev/2017-07-13-replace-eir-f2000/
Hi Conor,
At the moment I am with VirginMedia, for which the VM hub is in bridge / modem mode. I then connected the hub to my AX wireless router. So my personal WiFi router gives DHCP leases to all devices in my home on which I have setup open vpn client, so all devices in my home are protected.
I am currently thinking about switching to Eir Gigabit fibre. In order for the Eir phone to work it has to be connected to the Eir router. But I want to continue using my personal wifi router for VPN protection. The Eir ONT has only 1 ethernet port. So I need 2 routers to work in my home, my personal router for internet access for all devices in my home and the Eir router for land line telephone. As far as I know the telephone cable has to be connected to the Eir router and not the Eir ONT.
What is the best way to make the above work?
1. Would it work if I use a ethernet splitter. The Eir modem connected to the splitter input and then one cable goes in to the eir router and the other one to my personal wifi router.
2. The cable from the Eir Fibre ONT goes in to a Gigabit switch. From the switch one cable goes into the eir router and the other one my Wifi router.
When I use Eir Gigabit fibre connection, how to make 2 routers work from the single fibre connection to my home if OpenEir wont allow me to establish twin connection for single account.
Hi Jackob,
I must have missed this I havent gone through these comments in a while.
A splitter definitely won’t work, I don’t see why a gigabit switch between the ONT and routers wouldn’t work as they both should still be able to access the VLAN.
The problem I suspect you will run into is Eir will see that you have 2 active connections in your home instead of 1.
Hi Conor,
I came across your article while trying to figure out my network issues. I too have an eir F2000 router – fibre the cabinet with copper into my house. Eir tell me I should get up to 80mbps – the reality is I get 65mbps. Recently I’m having continues issues, to the point where I have to reset the router. Wifi I have a mesh network setup using a Deco’s M9’s and M5’s. The main M9 -port1 (Router mode) is connected to the F2000, M9 port2 is connected to a Netgear switch (non managed). Connected the Netgear switch is the remaining M5’s, Sky boxes, Sonos etc. Your suggestion of replacing the F2000 with a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X would this work in my case?
Hi Kieran,
I have always had issues with that F2000 box and so have many others so it could help.
Hi Conor,
thanks for your guide. I followed it and configured my UBNT EdgeRouter Lite with VLAN10 using DHCP on the WAN port and it connects to the Internet but the speed is significantly lower than normal. My FTTH gives me full 1Gbps when using Eir Sagemcom router but after replacing it with my Ubnt router I’m only getting around 180Mbps. All tested with direct ethernet cable plugged directly to my laptop and UBNT shows 1Gbps speeds on both Ethernet ports. Multiple tests confirmed same results consistently. Multiple restarts attempted.
Any idea why could the speed be lower on my router?
Hi Piotr,
I havent used an EdgeRouter Lite before I am on a 300Mbps package from Eir and can get upto ~290Mbps with the ERX so I not sure TBH.
Hi Conor,
Sorry for dragging up a post from the past, but I’m struggling to find any real world experience and advice in what I’m trying to do.
My mother’s house uses E-Fiber with the old F1000 modem/router and it’s been causing issues wirelessly for months.
I decided to try and help by buying a TP Link AC2300 wireless router and planned on putting the eircom modem into bridge mode and hopefully get better wireless signal around her house for her.
I set the router into bridge mode using the following:
Network > Broadband
Change Mode to Bridge; click Apply.
Home Network > LAN: Disable DHCP Server; Click Apply.
Security > Firewall: Disable Firewall; Click Apply.
Now the old Eir modem is stuck in a boot loop, and works for about 4/5 minutes before doing a full power off reboot and I can’t seem too access to the Eir modem settings pages at all.
I’ve ordered a (slightly) newer f2000 modem off Adverts, and hope I’ll be able to get that to bridge properly at least until we can get a new replacement.
Is it madness to try and bridge these Eir modems altogether? I’m not the best with networking knowledge so this is all a bit confusing for me.
Hi Paddy,
It sounds like an issue with the old router because those settings sound correct.
The Eir routers seem to perform very badly in bridge mode across the board all of Eirs routers seems to have had this problem for years.
Hello Conor
Do you know if you can use a static IP from Eir on any router other than their own?
I needed to get one as I need to access a server that is IP Restricted. But I can’t get it setup.
They have given me the Eir Static IP: 83.xx.xxx.xx/32.
Default Gateway for eir modems:
Subnet Mask for eir modems:
but not sure how these should be entered in the wizard setup. It keeps failing for me.
Hi. I am just about to replace my F2000 with a tp archer2100. My question is can I connect my new tp modem directly to the termination point or do I have to go through the ONT? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I was told that the ONT is essentially the modem for fibre so just want to know can I remove this? Tia. Colin
Hi Colin,
You will have to go through the ONT, that is kind of like a modem for the fibre coming into your house.
Your router would connect to the ONT through its Ethernet port.
You will struggle to get a domestic router with a fibre connection anyway 🙂
Hi Conor,
I was following your post about bypassing Eir modem and installing own router. PPPoe works fine. But now I’m thinking to upgrate my router to EdgeRouter X SFP and purchase UFiber SFP Module GPON C+ module and connect my new router directly with Fibre cable and bypass ONT box. Just wondering if this setup would be possible or Eir will block my router as they have filtering setting from ONT box. I rang Eir tech support and they not sure if this will work and just sugested me to try. Cheers
Hi Aidas,
That is really interesting! I have no idea TBH if the ONT can be fully bypassed like that I’m not sure what settings are on the ONT itself.
Eir tech support are useless and will not help you unless you have one of their routers with a standard config on it.
Did you try it? Did it work?
Hi Conor, Just to say thanks for your insructions for using the edgerouter. It works perfectly for the parents FTTP eir connection, and as the CLI is based on the old vyetta router system it’s not that hard to get things like L2VPN etc to work using their helpdesk. I use it for my BT FTTC connection in London essentially VDSL using PPPoE and it’s very good. Only question is the phone service and the fact that BT haven’t given their domestic customers the option of not using their router when they swtich off analogue in 2025. Proabably transfer to a VOIP service myself, as I rarely use the analogue. However just to say that Edgerouter is the business, and worth the 100 quid or so that it costs to get it on Ebay. Will try to see if other routers support the VLAN tagging for eth0
Thats great Tony, I’m glad it worked for you!
The ERX is a great device for the price can’t be beat ATM.
The same is coming here in Ireland too with the analogue phone system I’m thinking of getting rid of our landline TBH.
Hey Conor – thanks for these details. It looks like the EdgeRouter X is no longer available. Do you know if the Ubiquiti UniFi Flex would be a like for like replacement?
Hi Sean,
That is very disappointing it is a great router for the price of it.
I can’t really recommend one I would need to do some digging TBH.