Technical Drawing Board Clip
I designed a clip to help keep my brothers drawing board from slipping while he was using it.
Show below is the 2D sketch that I drew to get the profile for the clip. The largest table it can be used with is 40mm and the clip is designed to hold a bar just over 19mm in diameter. The arm that bar slides along is sloped to help it clip in more securely and the top arm is at a 5 degree inward slope to the bottom arm to allow the bar to clip into the clip and hold it securely.
The printed clip can be seen below. Each board requires 2 clips.
I put black rubber tape on the clip to increase the grip of the clip to the table.
The clip on the board can be seen below.
The clip works well and holds the board very securely.
I designed this for my brother to use on his board while doing his Junior Cert Technical Graphics.
The files for the design can be found on thingiverse.com/thing:2804631.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask,